LinkedIn tips and tricks

You know it - it’s time for another LinkedIn tip.✨

When last time we talked about getting started with posting, then it seems like the right moment to have a look at different posting formats that LinkedIn currently has to offer. 
So here is the list of different post formats that you could use: 

1. Media. So this basically means that you can add pictures to your text post. This is probably the most common posting format. You can either share several pictures or one video with your post. 

2. Event. You can start creating an event from the same place that you start posting. So if you want to post about an event but have not had the chance to create it in advance, then this is one way to do it. 

3. Celebrate an occasion. This is a simple posting template to either give kudos, share about a project launch, welcome someone to your team, celebrate career or educational milestone, share news about your new job or new certificate.

4. Share that you’re hiring. Similarly as for the event post, here you can start creating a job ad and then post it.

5. Poll. You can also create a poll - add a question with multiple answers and gather people’s thoughts like that. You have 140 characters to use for your question and you can add up to four answers (30 characters each). Yes, this is not much - it means that you need to be smart about it and use your post text to support your question and elaborate on what you want to learn from the answers.

6. Document. You can add a document to your post. The best is to share a PDF document as this will be shown as a “book” where you can click for the next page to appear.

7. Find an expert. This is a post template that you can use in order to ask your network to recommend you to someone who would be able to help you in a certain topic - an expert.

That’s about it. So when thinking about your posting topics and planning them ahead, I recommend also considering different posting formats to make it more diverse. 

Stay tuned for some more posting tips and tricks! 

Artikli autor

Helen Pärli


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November: A Time for Growth and Learning in HR