🇬🇧 Dear HR Society Member!
You are invited to discover Bombay — a new and exclusive name in the hospitality sector! Last year, they opened several luxurious venues in the Old Town on Rataskaevu Street, including Shang Shi restaurant, Chesterfield and Bombay casino clubs, and soon, the boutique hotel Burman. Come and explore historically rich Bombay Club, where every room has its own story to tell.
To make this an engaging and memorable evening, we have planned the following program:
đź“ŤLocation: Rataskaevu 5 (Entrance: Bombay Club)
đź•™ Agenda:
16:30–17:00 – Gathering and welcome
17:00–17:45 – Venue tour
17:45–18:20 – Bombay Group: Who we are and what we do?
18:20–19:15 – HR-themed hackathon
19:15–20:30 – Bombay Casino visit
Please note! Participants must be at least 21 years old. Please remember to bring your ID card!
Looking forward to an exciting and inspiring evening with you!
Please note that the event is planned in English to involve our English-speaking HRcommunity as well!
Anyways, we are flexible and take the language of communication at the meeting, either Estonian or English , according to the attendees!
NB! Our H2H meet-ups are for Estonian HR Society members only, pre-registrationis required for participation, as we have limited seats available.
🇪🇪 Hea HR Seltsi liige!
Oled oodatud avastama Bombay´d — uus ja eksklusiivne tulija teenindussektoris! Eelmisel aastal avasid nad vanalinnas Rataskaevu tänaval mitmeid luksuslikke kohti, sealhulgas Shang Shi restorani, Chesterfield´i ja Bombay kasiino klubid ja kohe kohe ka butiikhotelli Burman. Tule ja tutvu ajaloolise hõnguga Bombay klubiga, kus igal ruumil on oma lugu.
Et õhtu oleks meeldejääv ja sisukas, ootab Sind järgnev programm:
📍Asukoht: Rataskaevu 5 (Sissepääs: Bombay Club)
đź•™ Ajakava:
16:30–17:00 – Kogunemine ja tervitus
17:00–17:45 – Majatuur
17:45–18:20 – Bombay Grupp: kes me oleme ja mida me teeme?
18:20–19:15 – HR-teemaline hackathon
19:15–20:30 – Bombay kasiino külastus
NB! Osalemiseks peab olema vähemalt 21-aastane. Palun võta kaasa ID-kaart!
Kohtume peagi – ootame sind põnevale ja inspireerivale õhtule!
Sündmus on esialgu planeeritud inglise keeles, kuid me oleme paindlikud ja sõltuvalt osalejatest valime ka keele :)
NB! H2H kohtumised on mõeldud Eesti HR Seltsi liikmetele. Üritus on tasuta, kuid kuna kohtade arv on piiratud, siis on eelnev registreerimine vajalik.