How to stand out as a savvy LinkedIn user

So the column about LinkedIn usage continues and we are out with the second post. Hoping that you took the advice listed in the last post, you should now have an All-Star LinkedIn profile. Good job!

But there is still a lot that you can do in order to improve your profile and thus lay the grounds for building a strong personal brand.

Now that you have a solid profile it is time to make you look like a savvy LinkedIn user. This is where your LinkedIn profile URL comes in. Personalizing your LinkedIn URL address might feel like a minor change but there are actually several reasons why you should consider this.

First, as already said — this makes you stand out as a savvy LinkedIn user. This way it simply looks more professional.

Secondly, if you are still using business cards to share your contacts with your business partners and clients then adding a “clean” LinkedIn URL to your business card will simply look much better.

Last but not least, this might be a good way to stand out from other users that might have the same name.

Eager to make the change? Go to your LinkedIn profile. On the upper right side you will see “Edit public profile & URL”.

On the new page that opens, the very first thing on the top right corner is “Edit your custom URL”. From there you are able to personalize your LinkedIn link.

Once you have edited your URL you can go to your profile and see the new link working.

P.S. If you want to add this URL to your business cards or any other print out material then you can even use the link without the beginning (https://www.) and only use the second part of your link ( 

And to close this post up with a call to action — take this minute or two and edit your URL already now!

In our next LinkedIn bite, I will continue talking about how to make your profile even better.

So stay tuned! 

Artikli autor

Helen Pärli


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